10 Characteristics of Great Lovers
1) They are diligent students of the art of seduction.
2) They see & seize opportunities to make their relationships better.
3) They influence other people by their passion for love and life.
4) They add value to the relationship and to their mate.
5) They invest quality time in their relationship
6) They focus upon their partners strengths
7) They are good communicators.
8) They provide inspiration to their mates.
9) They possess positive attitudes and positive outlooks on their relationships.
10) They live up to their commitments.
Bonus Characteristic They are loyal and strive to love you unconditionally.
1) They are diligent students of the art of seduction.
2) They see & seize opportunities to make their relationships better.
3) They influence other people by their passion for love and life.
4) They add value to the relationship and to their mate.
5) They invest quality time in their relationship
6) They focus upon their partners strengths
7) They are good communicators.
8) They provide inspiration to their mates.
9) They possess positive attitudes and positive outlooks on their relationships.
10) They live up to their commitments.
Bonus Characteristic They are loyal and strive to love you unconditionally.
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At 7:29 PM,
Roberto Iza Valdés said…
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At 2:27 PM,
Unknown said…
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