Rich Relationship Results

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Relationship Games People Play

In relationships, there are games that people play. Men have there games and women have their games. Both sexes claim that they do not like playing games but they both do. Even when they are seriously claiming not to be playing games.

Briefly, I want to get into the relationship games people play.

Since every man is brought into this world through the womb of a woman and I am gentleman, I will address the ladies first.

The Value Game
Women are masters of the value game. Let me describe the game too you. A woman usually sees herself as the prize. This is where the term trophy girlfriend or trophy wife? The thing is women put men through a series of value tests before categorizing them.

Let me share a very brief story of a guy let's call him Derrick. Derrick is a nice guy who people enjoy being around and many women like because he is attractive. Derrick has many women friends. The problem is in the values game Derrick has found himself placed in the friend’s category. This is because he became their counselor, cool confidant and put himself in the position.

Derrick will stay in the dreadful friend zone as long as he continues to do what he has done in the past.

Make it Up 2 Me Game
The next game women play is she becomes mad or plays mad to get a man's attention. It not only works as an attention getter but it switches many men to question what is wrong. It also takes them beyond the call of duty to do whatever they have to do to make their women happy.

Men often will go get flowers, take them out shopping, eating traveling, buy jewelry, etc, etc, Women learn this game from young. Usually from there mothers or any older woman that they watch work this magic. They are masters of this.

This game has the tendency to revert many men to little children.

Women from my former job used to play this game daily on my former supervisor. Different women on the job who utilized this game on him whenever they needed him to do something for them or get someone. He was like a faithful attack dog for them. All they had to do is run this game on him and he would do everything in his power to make them happy.

That is the power of the game.

Make Him Jealous Game (The Most Dangerous Game Ever Played)
The next game is the make him jealous game. I used to date a woman who was the master of this game. I mean she knew all the right things to tell a guy, all the right things to do, to rile a man up. Luckily for me that I'm not jealous or I would have fallen victim to it.

I have seen how this worked on a man who dated her after we were involved. I seen he get into fights with other men, I looked on as she broke up his friendships by flirting with his friends. She used the game to have him openly jealous over her and possessive as an addict. That was too scary.

I have seen women use this game so well that they get men into fights and even killed over this.

The Ultimate Game
This is one of the most powerful games that a woman can play on a man. I say this because advertisers and marketers use it everyday to get shoppers to buy products.

It is called the scarcity rule in marketing.

Usually they use these phrases: for a limited time only, only a few items left, and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Walt Disney uses this to sell DVD cartoons by saying that they are selling this for a limited time before it goes back into the Walt Disney vault.

In relationships, women give man an ultimatum. Usually challenging a man to step up to the plate putting her foot down saying either you do this or we are through. A woman waits until she has all of her cards right. Then she plays them out so the man accepts her ultimatum.

Scarcity is powerful. I mean when you are used to having something regularly and then the threat of losing it pushes you to do what you have to keep it. Women play this card as if they are Annie Duke Poker champion.

I am happy I know how to counter all of these games. Men I am working on some material that not only counters the game but to reverse the game if it is ever used on you and win.

I was trained in mastering the game so I know how to change the game and I will show you. This is enough for the day. I will continue on with this tomorrow.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Emotionally Unavailable

I want to briefly talk about that train that is unavailable. Have you ever been on board a train which stayed at a stop for a long period of time. You thought that the train was a bit delayed only to find out later on that it is going out of service.

Nothing upsets me more than when I'm on a train which goes out of service and I have to wait on another one. Which just might be packed with people and you might not be able to get in.

Have you ever been there? It is absolutely the worst.

Don't you agree?

Relationships are like trains they come and go.

Some trains are shorter than others.

Some trains are longer than others.

Some trains are reliable.

Some trains are always late and unreliable.

Some trains look and run better than others.

Some trains need to be put out of their misery.

Some trains are ride or die to the wheels fall off.

Some trains are just unavailable.

The thing is getting on the right train. Are you on the right train?

When you get in a relationship with a person who is emotionally unavailable you are setting yourself up for a fast trip to no where. One that rides past all the stops that you wouldn't mind stopping at.

When you are in a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable they take you for a ride that more than likely always end up in a train wreck. Where you are usually the one who gets damaged in the wreckage and the other party safely makes their way off long before the crash happens.

If you are on an unavailable train get off it while you can because it's not worth the ride?

Trust me.

In my womanizing past I have left some women to fend for themselves on a runaway train that eventually crashed. I have seen the carnage I caused. I have also been the victim of riding on a runaway train myself.

The end result is nothing nice.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Women Men Love and Why They Love Them

Has a man ever left you for a woman that was not pretty as you? Maybe she was not even in your league as far as you are concerned. The fact is he left you for this woman. I know you desire to know why he left. I know you are thirsty to know what type of woman a man wants?

Your parents’ answers did not satisfy you, most men would not tell you, and magazines miss the mark. As you read every word, you will become amazed at what you will learn about what a man wants in a woman.

This post is strong enough for a man but made for a woman.

Remember, the information contained in this unique article reveals how men view you; it shall enlighten you about why he treats you a certain way, arm you with ways to appeal to your man, how to have him begging for more and vowing he will never leave you?

It is time for you to be empowered by the truth.

First, it is of vital importance that you understand there are two categories of women as far as a man is concerned.

The wedlock woman is a woman of (marriage potential) and the bedrock woman is a woman (sex vixen) a man desires to engage in a sexual intercourse partnership.

All women fall into one category or the other.

There are various types of women but I will only focus on four types of women in each of these categories. It is easier to keep a man pleased than you think. Read on.

BEDROCK WOMEN (The Lover Girls)

The Drama Queen
Drama surrounds this woman. There are actually two types of drama queens. The first loves drama. She attracts drama the way drugs hook users and addicts. She will even go as far as starting trouble if it is not present.

Then second type of drama queen is fairly the nice girl. She attracts drama. Drama is her faithful shadow. It follows her around the way a stray dog searches for a friend and a home. I recently dated someone who was an undercover drama queen. I was startled when the real drama queen stood up. I could not believe a person so sweet could have so much drama.

This woman radiates excitement swiftly drawing lovers to her side. Unfortunately, she can lose them as quickly as she gains them. Many people run for cover after seeing her true colors.

Usually these women become mistresses to men. They have an insatiable fetish for men of authority and power.

The Bad Girl
The bad girl is down for whatever. There are also two different types of bad girls. The first bad girl is the Little Kim, Foxy Brown, Madonna, Britney Spears, and Lindsey Lohan type. These are women you do not bring home to meet mother.

The second type is the good girl gone bad girl. Rhianna and Whitney Houston fit this type of woman. She usually comes from a strict home or a restricted one.

When given the opportunity to be free she explores a rebellious approach to life. She possesses an appetite for pursuing a seductive style, an unfamiliar personality, and exploring different dimensions of themselves.

The bad girl like the drama queen brings a certain excitement to men.

Bad girls are down for whatever so they often end up in short term relationships. Many of them end up with the wrong person and sometimes fall into the mistress category. Good girls who have gone bad have great potential to be a wedlock girl. They can are some of coolest women to start a relationship with unfortunately they get a bad wrap.

The Party Girl
Next, there is the party girl who stays up in the club 2 or more times a week. The club scene is her livelihood. She is an insatiable party animal on the prowl.

This woman has many male friends with whom she possibly has had intimate relations. Since the party girl is someone who is looking for a nice time. Men often look upon these women as a nice time and that is it.

Therefore, she ends up being a booty call, a rendezvous, a fling thing, or a one-night stand. After all a party girl is usually the life of the party.

The Seductress
The seductress possesses sizzling sex appeal. Empowering her with the unique ability to win who and what she wants. This temptress has an amazing magnetic field around her attracting men in super abundance keeping them wanting more.

She will take your man. Especially, if you are not treating him right. The seductress quickly sniffs out a man’s desires, adapting to his needs to woo her man.

Bedrock women are lover girls who cater to the adventurous side of men.

They make men feel young, providing a sense of excitement and an adrenaline rush. These lover girls become literal cover girls (in between the sheets).

Let us now look at the wedlock women.

The Wedlock Women (The Providing Women)

The Sugar Mamma
She is successful. The sugar mamma is a stable woman with a great providing heart. This individual pacifies her man with a plush lifestyle, gifts, and material things.

The sugar mama is a mother type figure who takes care of her man as a mother takes care of her child. Men look upon this type of woman like a goddess who is worthy of worship.

The Good Girl
The good girl is a sweet woman who will do just about anything to make her man happy. She is a dedicated compassionate hard worker, who loves family life. Many of them enjoy the comforts of their home.

The Creative Intellectual
This woman has great wisdom and understanding about many things. She is up on the latest fashions and trends. She is a good conversationalist who stimulates and edifies minds.

The creative intellectual woman brings excitement and stability in the same package. This woman makes men regress into a teenager all over again. Giving him a student goes crazy over his teacher affect. She psychologically woos her man.

The Brown Nosing Woman
This person will do anything for her man. She is willing to go through hell for her mate. She has the stand by your man mentality. She is a pushover to a man.

Adopt each of these persona's into your normal routine and it will drive your man wild and spice things up. In fact, this will give you Sunshine status.

Let me explain. In the movie, Harlem Nights Sugar (Richard Pryor) needs someone to turnout one of Bugsy Calhoun’s main drop-man. Sugar gets Della Reese to pick one of her prostitutes to put on the man. Della Reese uses a girl named Sunshine to get this man caught up.

For those of you who have seen the movie you know the amazing response Sunshine receives from this man. For those of you who have not seen the movie rent it. Adopt these persona's into your arsenal and you too will turn men out keeping them begging for more.

Monday, June 22, 2009

4 What Its Worth

Many of us learn about relationships by trial and error.

I mean our parents give us little snippets. If we were fortunate to get that much advice. I'm fortunate to be a relationship expert who has learned from my parents, different people who I came in contact with, studying relationships, and being in different types of relationships.

Relationships that were draining, depressing, joyous, cool, hell bound, and even those which left me with a broken heart. There are four things that I learned about having a great relationship.

1. Know What You Want and Never Settle 4 Less
2. Only get Involved With a Person Who Enhances Your Life
3. Only get involved with a Dream Catcher and Not a Dream Dasher
4. Only Go Hard 4 The Person Who Loves You Back Equally

Know What You Want and never Settle 4 Less
You never settle for the next to best house or car and why should you when it comes to a mate. You deserve the best so never settle for less. God wants you to have the best.

I recall a time when I was single I linked up with a beautiful woman who most of the qualities that I wanted in a woman. However, I soon found out she had some qualities that I am completely turned off by. Before long I found myself unfulfilled in a relationship that disintegrated faster than a cracker in a boisterous ocean.

Settling for less will always be a waste of your valuable time.

Only Get Involved With a Person Who Enhances Your Life
I have a friend let's call him Rick. Rick has a girlfriend who he has been involved with for the past two years. This woman has children, can't hold a job for long and has a drama shadow. Meaning drama follows her anywhere that she goes.

Rick is a really good dude who treats her like a queen and her children like their his own. The problem is psychosomatic for Rick because he had to take care of his mom who was always sick as he was growing up. He is locked in that state of mind to take care of a woman the way he did with his mom.

This woman is not a person who can enhance Rick's life. Unfortunately he has always dated women whom he tries to rescue as though he is an EMS worker.

Never get involved with these types of people who cannot enhance your life. They will dash your self esteem to pieces and provide you with many setbacks in your relationship.

A person who enhances your life does the opposite. They pour life into you and your relationship.

Only Get involved With a Dream Catcher and Not a Dream Dasher
A dream catcher is a person who is supportive of your dreams. A dream dasher is the type of individual who does everything in their power to shatter your dreams and deter you from accomplishing them.

Only Go Hard 4 the Person Who Loves You Equally
In the game of love people get blinded by the love they have for an individual and become caught up in that. Just because you love someone deeply doesn't mean they love you the same way. Stop getting caught up on what you giving to see what your mate is giving. This is the real litmus test.

I have a cousin I wont mention his name but he's involved with a woman he deeply loves. He has been madly in love with her for years. However, his mate doesn't feel the say way for him. He goes hard for her but she doesn't go hard for him.

He gives 200% of himself when she doesn't even give a mere 50%. Now I'm no accountant or a mathematician but there is something greatly wrong with those figures.

If they don't go hard for you kick em to the curb boo? You can do bad all by yourself.

For what it's worth, you can save yourself a lot of time, pain, and heartache by implementing these 4 keys to having a great relationship.